Monday, February 20, 2012

SmartDark & Handsome

Meet Mo, our 11 year old black,slightly faded to brown and white show show pony that belongs to my 8 year old daughter. Mo and my daughter have a busy show season ahead of them full of halter classes, showmanship, english and western classes to compete in. Nobody wants to show a faded black and white pony so we are gonna do something about it!

The great people over at SmartPak have come up with all kinds of wonderful supplements that help with everything from coat and skin, hoof care to digestion and overall health. Amazing! Browsing through a catalog, that proves to be an interesting read, I noticed that they had a supplement for our exact problem....faded black pony disease. (not really a disease, just not cute)

SmartDark and Handsome is designed for dark colored horses and is filled with Omega 3 fatty acids from flax seed, fish oil and chia seed for healthy skin. The spices, paprika and nutmeg were added to the mix to support darker, richer coat color. Just what we need...a shiny,black and white pony!

I started the supplement yesterday and plan to feed him the supplement for 56 days. Every Monday, I will update my blog with a new photo so we can see the transformation!
SmartDark & Handsomeā„¢
Got to to order SmartDark and Handsome and to see the reviews of other user's.
Call 1-877-893-8672 to request a FREE test sample of this supplement or any other.
Tell them Mo sent you!

~On The Hunt!

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